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Viewing Checklist

There are a lot of considerations involved in finding and eventually purchasing a new property and it can seem overwhelming at times. Here at The Grange, we care about the journey for both the seller and buyer and want nothing more than to make that journey as stress-free as possible. With that in mind, here are some of our top tips for property viewing.

Know Your Budget

It’s a good idea to start the mortgage in principle application so you have a good idea of the budget lenders are willing to offer you. The budget will define your search.

Begin Your Research ASAP

  • Google Street View

Before you even leave your own home, it can be a good idea to have a look at the property and area via Google Street View.

Link to Google street view. Type in the address. To enter the street click on the photo to the left. This will take you into ’Street View’ where you can explore. Return to the map to explore other areas nearby.


To view on phone download the Google maps app from the app store

At the top tap on ‘Layers’ and click ‘Street View’

  • Virtual Tours

Handy viewing before seeing a house in person. If the seller included a virtual tour as part of their estate agency package, then you can have a look about the inside of the property form the comfort of your home. To find out if there is one, check the listing. If there is, you will see it written plus a link to view.

  • Locality

Are you choosing an area to live based on work and family needs? How important is it to you to be close to certain amenities? Do you favour being close to good restaurants, peace and quiet in the countryside, short drive to the coast or near a main airport link? All these can play an important role in the convenience and enjoyment of the home you choose.

View Many

It can be helpful to view multiple properties within a day, meaning that your memory of each is fresh as you move to the next, assisting your ability to compare them accurately.  If you wish to view multiple properties on our books we will do our best to accommodate you.

Gather Data

Take a notebook with you or make notes on your mobile device. Feel free to take photos or videos of the property and note down any areas of concern you may have that you would need to address. Agents will be only too glad to answer any questions you may have and if they don’t have the answer there and then they can find out for you.  See our “checklist by area” at the end of this document for an idea of what to look out for.

Be Transparent

Let the home owner or agent know your circumstances: are you in a chain and need to sell your own property before you can purchase, or are you ready to make an offer and move immediately?

Home Reports

As a buyer in Scotland, you have access to the home report. This document can be invaluable in assisting your decision making, as it will list any areas of concern which the assessor has found and the urgency of repairs required.

Talk to the Estate Agent

The agent is legally obliged to inform you of any serious problems with the property, but they will also do their best to answer any other questions that you might have. If the agent is the one showing you the property, feel free to ask questions as they occur to you.

     Questions to Consider

  • What is the water pressure like? Has the boiler been regularly serviced? How is the water heated? How is the home heated?
  • External sources of noise: is the property located round the corner from the town’s busiest pub? Is it located on a busy road with regular traffic?
  • Check the EPC rating. Good quality double glazing and insulation can make a difference to energy bills.  This information can be found on the home report.
  • How much natural light will the main areas of the house receive?

Double Up

Even if you are purchasing a property for your sole use, it can be helpful to take someone with you to get their opinions on the property. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can see things that you have missed which can be invaluable.

Explore the Commute

This can often be missed in the excitement of viewing a property. If you love the home, consider doing a “dry run” of your daily commute to gain an understanding of how challenging or otherwise the route will be.

Second Viewing?

Once you have reviewed all of the information from your first viewing, you may want to revisit the home to ensure you have answered all of your questions.  There may be more specific areas you wish to concentrate on during this second viewing, and more in-depth questions which you would like answered. If the agent is doing the second viewing, it can be worth getting in touch prior to the viewing with your questions so that they can ensure they have all of the information you require before you go ahead.  These more in-depth questions could be things like:

  • What are the neighbours like?
  • How much is the council tax?
  • Are there any shared areas with other residents you should be aware of?
  • Is there a residents’ committee, or a neighbourhood watch scheme?
  • How long has the house been up for sale?
  • How much interest is there in the property?
  • Why are you selling?
  • Has any work been done on the house?
  • Is the seller in a chain? Will they pull out of selling if the house they want falls through?
  • What exactly is included in the sale?
  • What is the internet connection like?
  • Have the electric and gas appliances been maintained well?
  • Are there service history receipts available?

Clearly this list is not exhaustive and there may well be other considerations for you to note.

Checklist By Area

Inside the building

Are there sufficient smoke alarms?

Have gas and electrical items been tested and certified as safe recently?

Is the property big enough for your needs?

Is there enough room for storage?

Are there any signs of damp or mould?


Are all cupboards in good condition?

Are all of the built in kitchen appliances working and in good condition?

Are any other appliances within the kitchen included in the sale?

Bathroom / Shower room

How strong is the water pressure in the shower and bath?

Do the seals around the bath and shower seem to be in good condition?


Is the size of each room big enough for the purposes it needs to fulfil?

Are any fixtures or fittings included?


Do you have privacy in your garden space, are fences high or open plan?

Do neighbours homes overlook yours?

Will it be time consuming to maintain?


Is there a sink?

Is there enough space for your needs?


Is the property the right one for you?

We wish you all the best in finding the right property for you and your needs. If we can help you find the right home for you, or you're looking for an agent to represent your property we look forward to chatting with you. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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